Local politics are comical
I have to tell you that some local politicians both of us have had in our area over the years do some pretty comical things to try to buy votes.
Some of them were so off the wall they should be the basis for some comedy program on TV! One time I remember a local politician running for the head of the state was trying to buy votes by having his son, who was a certified heating plus air conditioner specialist give away free heating plus cooling system tune ups plus repairs to anyone who supported this guy… How pathetic can you get! That was so hilarious plus it backfired in his face heavily.
It was so apparent plus outright in your face that he was pretty much saying that if you vote for him he will pay you in free heating plus air conditioner services to do so. He ended up getting kicked out of the race before the voting ever took place because of that. And his child the certified heating plus air conditioner specialist ended up getting fired from his task at the heating plus cooling company he was laboring for plus was never allowed to work in the heating plus air conditioner company again in the state in which both of us all live in. I thought that was even more funny plus served him right for being such a puppet plus a slimebag for his scam artist father! I could tell you multiple other stories that happened over the years just love this, however the heating plus air conditioner related 1 was the absolute most classic with the best ending in our opinion.