Author: admin

My brother always liked to take shortcuts

While my brother and I always did well as roommates, there was one thing about him that always drove me crazy, and that was his constant need to take a shortcut. My brother never liked doing things the proper way, and was always looking for something quicker. Even though I have warned him multiple times […]

Argument over whether to keep the old A/C or not

My cousin and I have been living together for the past 2 years. We had a lot in common, and since renting places can be so expensive nowadays, we decided to become roommates temporarily. Although we have a lot in common, I quickly discovered we had a lot of differences too, but thankfully none of […]

I really appreciate our smart temperature control

I was pretty gleeful when I installed our first smart temperature control, although I truthfully had no program how to use the thing. It really was fairly straightforward for the basic controls of adjusting the temperature control settings, although I wanted to learn the more advanced features. When I was learning through the user manual, […]