Once I start learning, I can’t stop; zone controlled HVAC

I’m the sort of person who gets extremely obsessive about things.

I’m not good at having a casual interest in anything in my life.

If I start exercising, I become addicted to it. If I start researching a new hobby, I will be a master of it within a week. When I start digging around the internet for information, I can’t stop myself. This is why I’ve recently become a self-described heating and cooling maven. It all started when my brother was complaining to me about his indoor air quality. I had never really considered my indoor air before. If I went to the thermostat, turned the temperature dial, and the HVAC system responded… I was happy. Suddenly, I was thinking a lot about my indoor air handling devices and their relative energy efficiency. Don’t even get me started on my new interest in air quality control measures. I found myself devoting endless hours to staring at various heating and cooling informational websites. Suddenly, I was well-versed in everything having to do with air quality control technology, forced air furnaces, and air purification systems. It was only a week or two before I had installed his own control heating and cooling inside of my own house. A few days later, I had an air purification system installed to finish out my new air handling control plan. Now, we have an advanced indoor air temperature control system optimizing our energy usage day after day. My air quality has never been better and my energy bills are amazing. My eyes and neck hurt from all the research though.


Cooling technician