Heating provider is closed today

Air Conditioners: Air conditioners are systems that cool indoor air by removing heat and humidity.

This town is going full tilt this weekend for the Carnaval celebration. There is a buzz in the air with all of the tourists in town and it is going to be pretty wild here for about five more days with the peak being this weekend. Today is Friday and this weekend will be crazy and then it will start winding down by Tuesday night. Come Wednesday there won’t be anyone left in this town but us locals and it will be back to business as usual again till summertime. Anyway, let’s change subjects and talk about HVAC equipment out there today. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, and it refers to the equipment and systems that regulate the indoor environment’s temperature, humidity, and air quality. There are several types of HVAC equipment that can be used to achieve these goals, each with its unique benefits and applications. In this answer, I will discuss the different types of HVAC equipment and their features briefly. Furnaces: Furnaces are heating systems that use natural gas, propane, or electricity to generate heat. They distribute warm air through ducts and vents to provide heating to the entire building. Heat Pumps: Heat pumps can both heat and cool a building. They use refrigerant to transfer heat between the indoor and outdoor environments, making them more energy-efficient than traditional heating systems. Air Conditioners: Air conditioners are systems that cool indoor air by removing heat and humidity. They use refrigerant to absorb heat from the indoor air and release it outside. Boilers: Boilers use natural gas, oil, or electricity to heat water, which then flows through pipes and radiators to provide heat to the building. They can also be used to provide hot water for domestic use. More info coming soon!



HEPA filter