I had a problem with my air quality

For the last couple of years I found myself getting sick frequently.

When I was a younger woman I would hardly even get sick once a year, now it seems to happen once a month.

I started taking multiple unusual kinds of flu symptom meds, and vitamins, but nothing seems to help, but finally I spoke to a dentist about it. I suppose it took a while, but I don’t like dentists and haven’t been to see one in multiple years. The dentist told me to consult an air quality specialist or an Heating as well as Air Conditioning worker and have them evaluate the air quality of my home. My sickness might be coming from germs, or it might simply be dirty HVAC ducts and exhausting air quality. I had no plan this was even possible, so I went online and started to research air quality. I felt like such an idiot afterward! Of course dirt, grime, and pet dander inside the HVAC ducts would have a downside impact on my health! Even worse, once the ductwork gets damp and dirty enough it becomes a breeding ground for mildew and mold, which is even worse for my breathing. I called a local Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech and asked for an air quality evaluation as soon as possible. The results were pretty bad, but the Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech told me it was an simple fix. The plan wouldn’t need to be changed or fixed at all, I just needed a deep and thorough cleaning of all my HVAC ducts and air vents. I look forward to breathing easier.


Electric heating system