Going to Take a Siesta and Watch Some YouTube Sports
I don’t have a TV and pretty much use YouTube for our entertainment channel.
It is a cool channel and you can find pretty much anything you want to watch on it for free.
I basically watch shows or documentaries about the sea and beach volleyball. When I die I want to come back as a dolphin if that is possible. I’d love to swim in the sea and play, savor I see them doing all of the time when I go to the beach. They are intelligent creatures yet don’t have all of the worries that we have. The heating dealership near me is going to charter a boat next weekend to do a dolphin seeing excursion for the customers. I am going to come along and play music with a few of our friends while people look for dolphins. It should be a fun time. I suppose that there isn’t any air conditioning on the boat however the weather is pretty mild now that we are in the middle of November. A month ago it would have been stiflingly sizzling on that boat and not a fun time, however now that the weather is cooling down a bit it is more enjoyable to go out on a boat without any climate control system. I assume they also go out in the Winter time however they have some small space oil furnaces on the boat to keep people warm. But no matter what I am going to go out there so I can look for some of our favorite creatures of the sea.