Smart thermostats are amazing technology

I guess I’m a little bit late when it comes to jumping on the bandwagon but I just now got a smart thermostat.

I can remember a couple of years ago everybody being obsessed with them.

They’re not super new technology but the local heating and air conditioning company was having a sale on all their smart and programmable thermostat systems and so people from all over the city were flooding the HVAC store to get their hands on one. At the time, I didn’t really understand why because as far as I was concerned I was happy with my dial thermostat. Why do you need something so fancy anyways? It’s not like a dial thermostat does its job much different than that of a smart thermostat. After all, don’t they both just do essentially the same thing, which is just tell your heating and AC unit what temperature to be at? Well as I would soon find out it’s actually much more complicated than this. There are many reasons to get a smart thermostat, but the main reason that people seem to get them seems to be either for convenience, or because they want to save money on their heating and air conditioning bills. There are many pros to owning a smart thermostat and this is something that I only discovered recently. So finally, 2 years after everybody else I got myself a smart thermostat and replaced my dial thermostat with my new programmable one. Unfortunately, because I didn’t get what it was on sale I had to pay full price. But considering what I’m getting it was worth it.

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