Glad I bought an air purifier for my home

An air purification system was something I have always wanted to own, but couldn’t make myself do it.

In the air purifier world you either go really big or really small.

There are portable air cleaners that sit on a desk or on the floor. They are more work than what they are worth though. They typically can only do a single room and not very well. The other option is an air purification system that installs in the supply ducts of the house. As the HVAC turns on, the air purifier works to clean the indoor air quality. I wanted that type of system but the cost was too high. Also, this type of air cleaner required yearly maintenance by a HVAC technician and filter changes. I didn’t want to do that. When I had my son and he was diagnosed with asthma, all bets were off. I knew he needed clear indoor air conditions to prevent an asthma attack. I got the whole home air purifier and signed up for a HVAC maintenance plan that covers cleaning on it. It was worth all the money and effort to get a HVAC contractor to come in. My house smells better, feels better and just runs way smoother. My HVAC equipment never makes any weird noise or has unexpected repairs. My son hasn’t ever had an asthma attack at home and I like how good I feel in the morning. I no longer cough, sneeze or feel sick anymore in my home. Investing in an air purification system was a good move.

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