The documentary discussed energy savings in the house

My wife loves watching documentaries. I don’t mind watching a show about earth science or animals, but I get bored when my wife wants to watch documentary after documentary. Lately we’ve been watching our own programs at night. I prefer reruns of the office and Law & Order. My wife has seen every single documentary on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Paramount. Last week she watched a documentary on ways to save energy in the house. The documentary discussed solar energy, wind, and water as well as a number of other renewable resources. When my wife was done watching the documentary, she wanted to discuss ways that we could save energy in the house. The first thing she wanted to talk about was the HVAC unit. She told me that we keep the temperatures in the house too cold and it wastes a ton of energy. I am all too happy to come up with ways to help us save energy and money, but changing the temperature on the thermostat and it’s not one of those ways. I want to be comfortable when I am at home and I prefer when the temperatures are cooler in order to be comfortable. I’m not about to change my life, comfort, and happiness, just because my wife watched a documentary. I’m sure there are some other ways that we can help save the environment without it affecting our comfort inside of the home. I’d rather walk 2 miles to work every single day than to spend one hour without cool and comfortable temperatures in our home.

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