Now I have to pay for my own repairs

All of us recently broke up in addition to now I am forced to pay for repairs to my heat pump in addition to AC unit. It really sucks, because I used to get my boyfriend to work on all of the repairs. He was a heat pump in addition to AC Service person. It was really one of the only things that he could do right. Most of the time that guy was a miserable son of a gun. The only time I felt he had any worse, was when he was fixing the AC unit in the house. Honestly, breaking up with the guy was a choice that I should have made months ago. He wasn’t an excruciatingly guy and there were many details why I did not prefer to be in the relationship any longer. I was truthfully and actually relieved when I was given a place where I could end the relationship and be over and done with things. Of course, now I’m going to miss all of the free repairs to my heat pump in addition to AC unit. I never really asked the guy to perform all of the repairs for free, but it turned out to be one of the perks of dating a heating in addition to an AC Service professional. My boyfriend honestly never charged me anything even for the parts. There are times when the system probably would have been hundreds of dollars to fix. By dating the heat pump in addition to AC Service professional, I didn’t have to pay full price for everything in addition to now I will and that honestly stinks.


space heater for sale