Purchasing a Zoned Comfort Solution

If your existing HVAC system is due for an upgrade or if its approaching the end of its life, there’s a chance that most options for replacing it will translate into some energy savings. You need to look for a system that offers uncomplicated installation, superior efficiency, and flexible settings. Homeowners can expect all of these benefits with a ductless or ducted zoned system. If you have uncomfortable areas in your home, a zoned system can provide many possibilities for energy efficiency and comfort. You can completely go ductless, utilize existing ductwork, or combine the two. Each area in your home can be treated as separate zones and they can be controlled separately for personalized comfort and energy savings. Ducted options provide the ability to use existing ductwork or better yet, make use of shorter duct runs by splitting the large zone into smaller zones. Not only does zoning result in greater comfort for everyone in the home, but it ensures that no conditioned air goes to waste. When a zone is not in use, you can turn that zone off. This way, you’re not paying to condition unused spaces, unlike conventional systems. In a single zoned home, in order to cool off a hot spot, you either have to lower the temperature throughout the whole house or rely on extra help from unattractive, bulky appliances like window air conditioners and box fans. A zoned system offers a built in, unobtrusive solution for temperature difference which is it can be ductless or ducted. The problem spot becomes its own zone, providing control of the space independent of the rest of the home.


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