Creating cooling schedules on my thermostat before leaving for vacation

My wife and I have been planning our vacation for the last six months.

Neither of us could travel in 2020, and the prospects of a vacation earlier this year were slim to none.

Although I work remotely and could take my job anywhere if I wanted, she had to ask for time off from her job months in advance. When she finally got the confirmation, we were both ecstatic with joy. To keep costs down, we decided to vacation at a resort on the opposite side of the state so we could drive there without days on the highway and multiple gas tank fill-ups. Since this was the first time the two of us would be leaving our house empty for an extended period of time, I was stressed trying to finish all of the preparations ahead of our trip. One of my primary concerns was the heating and cooling system. We weren’t going to be around to set the thermostat to different temperatures depending on the time of day, and I worried if it would be safe to leave it running at the same temperature while we’re gone. As I was mulling this over, I remembered that our digital thermostat has a scheduling feature built inside. Many forget that a lot of old digital thermostats are easily capable of being programmed to follow cooling and heating schedules. It allows you to set the temperature on a half-hour basis during all hours of the day and all seven days of the week. This way we can leave for vacations without worrying if our air conditioner is running too much or too little.


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