Should You Invest in Dual Fuel Heat Pump System

When I recently had an Heating plus A/C consultant come out to our condo to help myself and others figure out what kind of heating plus cooling method to get, I was a little surprised when he told myself and others I should consider a dual fuel heat pump Heating plus A/C system.

First of all, I never understood heat pumps. Apparently, they somehow magically guess where the hot air is, plus they transport it from one locale to the other, and one thing I have known all along is that a lot of people in our area who chose heat pumps as their heating plus cooling program are often disappointed on the bitter cold nights both of us sometimes get. True, the thermostat does not dip entirely low for a entirely long time. I mean, both of us are in the south, after all, however both of us do sometimes have quite a bit of cold during the Winter time weeks, plus when you need a heater, you need a heating system to toil efficiently. Anyway, I told the Heating plus A/C guy told myself and others that they have improved Heating plus A/C technology plus nowadays you can get what is called a dual fuel heat pump so your oil furnace does not let you down during the harsh Winter time winds both of us sometimes have. If it is too cold outside, the heat pump cannot locate enough heat in the outdoor air, so that is why people are often unhappy about their gas furnaces around here! Now, though, there is something called a dual fuel heating system. On properly cold nights, the Heating plus A/C finds plus moves the heated air. On bitter cold nights, a backup fuel method kicks in plus the Heating plus A/C method provides heating without relying on locating the heat in the outside air or ground. I am still thinking about it.


Electric heating