Give Gadgets Time to be Thoroughly Tested and Improved Before Buying
I have a lot of problems about the AI technology that our society is dead set on creating these afternoons.
As a flawed person, of course I love current amenities.
I have smartphones and read books on a device. I want to have a smart life, in every way possible. But I also worry that all of us put way too much pressure on ourselves to immediately purchase gadgets that can’t perform like they should. I have done the exact same thing. A few weeks ago I got over my hesitation and called the local heating, cooling, and air quality control dealership for temperature control help. After coming out to look at our Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system to look for energy inefficiencies, the tech couldn’t find anything that was not right about our boiler or AC unit. Following his most thoughtful advice, I thought I made the right option for our heating, cooling, and ventilation system when I went ahead and paid for a smart temperature control device replacement. The tech guy informed me that I could truly control our indoor heating, cooling, and ventilation system with a more detailed air quality control program. I thought that seemed smart, no pun intended. I wanted to be able to turn off our indoor air temperature program when I knew everyone would be gone. But this current “smart” device has not been wowing me. This damned control device never stays in compliance with the temperature control programs that I put in place. No matter how several times I reset our control device to our actual temperature control preference, it doesn’t stay where it is supposed to for more than a few days at a time. I can’t program the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C settings to lower our utility bills or control our indoor air temperature. I feel like I am a peon, with a robot overlord who wants to have me suffer.