Outdoor shed Heating as well as Air Conditioning
My outdoor shed has turned into a work out section for me.
It has been a lot of work making it a superb fitness room though.
First I had to rip down the walls and ceiling to add insulation, but new drywall, mudding and sanding ahd to be done. I needed to replace the windows to make the space air slim and get a better overhead light. Then there was painting inside and outside of the shed. I even replaced the door with a single that has glas in it to let in some natural sunlight. The last step was getting a Heating as well as Air Conditioning system. I looked into buying a ductless mini split however a hole would have to be drilled in our brand up-to-date wall. I also would have a giant outdoor air compressor laying around the shed. I didn’t prefer that system of the eyesore. I then started looking at heat pumps and it was still just as ugly, right now I am attempting to find the perfect system. I want both heating and cooling that could be a window unit! Maybe it could sit in the corner of our shed. Having both heating and a/c is imperative though. I need superb cooling because the southern summers get so hot. I need a oil furnace because there is around a week out of the year that is so cold. I haven’t found the perfect system just yet. I am willing to wait and spend more money to get exactly what I want. I need something giant enough to handle the shed however not so massive that it is distracting.