Opening a cafe for coffee amid the global pandemic
My sister as well as I opened a cappuccino bar a few weeks ago, even under the strain of Coronavirus… And we spent 18 months on the whole deal, from the construction of the building to the choice of the beans for our brew; nothing was going to stop my sister as well as I from opening the cappuccino bar, not even the coronavirus. When it came time to get ready to open, both of us bought several whole-home air purifiers to put in the building. We put one whole-home air purifier at the front door as well as another whole-home air purifier at each end of the building. We also upgraded to a much better air filter in the heating as well as A/C system. We spent about $5,000 to make all of the necessary upgrades as well as replacements, so both of us could still open as soon as the quarantine was lifted… However, my sister as well as I were going to open in the middle of April, however both of us didn’t open until June 15th, the day the ban was lifted. The grand opening celebration wasn’t as big as both of us anticipated, because both of us had to keep things small in order to maintain social distance… Still, our first few weeks of sales have been amazing as well as both of us have no doubt it was the right thought process to open the cappuccino bar despite all other challenges. Most of our sales are from the drive-up lane, however a few people have come indoors to check out the building as well as meet the staff. Everyone in the community has greeted us with positive vibes as well as the cappuccino beans fill the entire street with a sweet smell.