I’m not ready for the summer months to be over
Even though it’s still the middle of summertime, for some strange reason people already seem to be wanting the fall to arrive.
I honestly wish that it would stay summertime for the longest time.
I wish that the temperatures would stay at roughly 71 degrees year round, but that’s not something that ever happens in the particular area where every one of us lives. I don’t even know what’s going on with people that they would actually prefer the weather to start cooling off any sooner than it has to, but that’s what I’m seeing around me. Last month in the grocery store, I already saw holiday versions of coffee creamer in the cooling cases! I really do not find this adequate. It’s so infuriating to me that people are getting ready to start using their fire pits and gas fireplaces in their residences already. I mean, it seems as if people don’t even care much about the fact that when the weather easily begins cooling off and every one of us has low temperatures again, they will have to turn on their heating machines again for the year, who really wants to do that? I am particularly satisfied right now with the hot weather and the sunshine. I don’t even mind the fact that I have ro run my air conditioning machine sometimes because I adore the feeling of cooling off after a long warm day outside. In my opinion, it’s a great deal nicer to come into the a/c after a warm day than to come into the heating after the freezing weather… That’s just me, though. It would seem that a lot of other people don’t feel that way in the slightest! I believe it’s extremely weird.
Ductless mini split