Mines can be really hot inside

Close to my house, there is an incredibly old abandoned mining town.

Apparently our area was a common hotspot for gold, and hopeful people would come down to blow holes in the mountains and mine for gemstones and gold.

I have always been interested in the old town and have explored it many times. For the most part, a lot of the stuff was looted, and the buildings have long decayed, although some old equipment and papers were still left out, which were interesting to look at. One day, I decided that I should try to explore the mine that the town has. I took my friend with me, and I was able to find the mine relatively fast. It was boarded up, but the wood has rotted from constant rainfall, and it was easy to peel away. I hopped inside and my friend followed me. One of the first things I noticed is how hot it was in there! I was immediately greeted with a hot gust of air. It felt like a furnace just blew in my face! I thought I would get used to it, but I didn’t and as much as I enjoyed exploring the mine, the heat made it difficult. The heat only got worse as we went further on through the maze of a mine. As I went further I felt like I was choking on the heat and we had to turn around. I climbed out and breathed the fresh air. I went back home and sat close to the A/C vent. I was really glad for air conditioning systems at that moment. Even though it was hot in there, I already planned on taking a mini cooling fan with me, to substitute an air conditioner next time I go exploring down there.
