She needs some help

My good pal really needs a humidifier, then i told our buddy when I was with her sureterday all about how she needs a humidifier, but she is still not convinced that she needs a humidifier, but the reason that I told her that she needs a humidifier is because she is having trouble with getting sick all of the time. I have been spending the night at her home various times because she lives about a minute from me, & when I wake up in the afternoon at her house, I have a stuffy nose as well. I told her it is because she needs a humidifier. I used to have the same issue at our house, however when I started using a humidifier every night, I stopped having those problems. It was genuinely nice to finally have relief with having a stuffy nose all of the time! My buddy just doesn’t seem to recognize that a humidifier will solve her problems, then she thinks that she has dust sensitivities all year round. I mean she could have dust sensitivities, but I recognize that she should at least try a humidifier. I recognize it would do her a lot of good. I pray to god that I would have started using a humidifier in our kitchen years & years ago. It has particularly changed our life. It is difficult to recognize that something as small as a humidifier could change our life, but humidifiers are so much more than they are made out to be. I hope that our buddy will particularly consider getting a humidifier. I even provided to let her borrow mine only to test & see if having a humidifier will particularly help her.



a/c repairman