My dad runs a successful A/C company
Ever since I can remember, my dad at any given opportunity would talk about his heating and air conditioning company.
He was really proud of it, and if you dared ask about his HVAC corporation, then be prepared for an earful. He would tell his air conditioning company to anyone he knows, and I honestly think his excessive talking about it has done better advertising for his corporation than the actual advertising! As I grew older, it became quite obvious that my dad expected for me to take control of his air conditioning company when I was older. Since I was the only child, that privilege was passed down to me. However, there was one problem with that, I didn’t have any interest in running a HVAC company. I actually really disliked the idea of running a business, but I didn’t want to crush my dad either. When I was in high school and graduation was getting closer, I started dreading it more and more, because I knew as soon as I graduated my dad was going to expect me to become a HVAC worker. Thankfully, I ended up finding a solution. A good friend of mine, upon hearing of the HVAC career field, loved the idea. She was one of the few people that actually listened to my dad when he would passionately talk about his job. She told me she would love to have a HVAC corporation and how I was lucky. I sure didn’t feel lucky, and eventually I had to tell my dad the truth. As I expected he was crushed, but I told him about my friend’s interest. They already had a good relationship, so he was willing to accept her. I still think he is disappointed, but I know my friend will be a fantastic business owner and A/C worker.