I sized my window wrong.
I thought that all window a/c units were made to fit in all windows.
I measured my window area before going to purchase a window AC unit. When I got to the house center, plus went back to the window a/c units, I was wrong about them being all the same size. They had some immense window a/cs that I knew were not going to fit into my window although my windows were wide enough, there was no way they are going to fit up plus down. The window I wanted to put the a/c unit in was more of a transom size window. It wasn’t a transom, however it was wide, however not high. I thought by putting a window a/c into that window, I could get a bit more airflow plus cooling throughout that area. When I bought my house, I knew the two of us were going to have some certain concerns. The beach house was nearly 200 years old, plus much of it had not yet been modernized. The two of us were still laboring on the modernization, however the two of us wanted Heating & A/C in the house. To be honest, the two of us needed the a/c more than anything, and not being able to put a window a/c unit in that small transom size window, meant that a small area of my beach house was always going to be sizzling plus humid. My next step, was to call a company plus have them come to the beach house plus install a normal size window so I could install my new window AC unit plus get some comfort.