I wish the HVAC tech had arrived just two hours earlier.
The furnace was working fine
As soon as I realized there was a problem with the furnace, I called the HVAC company. I didn’t want to tell them it was an emergency, but I knew I didn’t have a lot of time before the furnace died completely. It was well below freezing, and if the furnace did die, it wouldn’t be long before the pipes would begin to freeze. The HVAC technician was supposed to be at the house by noon, but 12PM came and went. It was nearly 4PM when the furnace quit working, and not long after when the pipes began to freeze. The HVAC technician showed up about 7PM and by that time, there was frost on the windows and ice forming in the toilet bowls. I had my faucets dripping enough to try to keep the pipes from freezing, but it wasn’t working as well as I thought it would. When the HVAC technician arrived, I was sure the pipes had already frozen. He went downstairs to look at the furnace, but I was sure it wouldn’t be good news. If he had only showed up two hours earlier, I knew I wouldn’t have frozen pipes and I would have a working furnace. When he came back upstairs, the HVAC tech told me the pipes were fine, and it was just a glitch in the system. The furnace was working fine. I worried for almost seven hours as I thought of everything that could go wrong with the furnace. I thought about needing to have new pipes installed, and glad that it wasn’t needed.