Loving the clouds

I love the clouds.

Especially where I live.

I live in an area where the weather is constantly hot. It could be Christmas and it would be in the 80’s. I hate it really. But when there is clouds this time of the year it gives my central air conditioning a break. I will not need to turn on the central heating and air conditioning system unit. By not having to use the central heating and air conditioning unit it saves me on energy use, which in turn helps my monthly electric bills. My energy bills are high as it is because of the near constant use of the central heating and air conditioning system. Using your central heating and air conditioning system near all year round with no breaks causes lots of energy use. I am sure the energy companies are happy about it though. And the sad part is, for a climate like this there is no energy saving tips. The common energy saving tips for reduced central heating and air conditioning system use is to get portable space heaters and portable air conditioning systems. However that will not work here. So the clouds are the best thing one could hope for. So I am very glad when the clouds show up like this and are able to give my central heating and air conditioning system the well deserved break that it really needs. My HVAC unit does have the best SEER rating and still my energy bills are high because of the constant use due to where I live in the country.


Air conditioning installation