Heat pump at the winery
The inside temp could barely make 71 degrees plus the Heating plus A/C died after only a few years of use.
My whole family has been in the grape business for a while. My father owns a bunch of vineyards plus picks the grapes to sell for james, jellies, plus grape juices. My sister opened up a winery right on the edge of the field plus uses the grapes to make her products! Everyone in the family helps out in our grape business… The winery needed a ton of help in the early stages. Getting the building setup was upscale plus time consuming. I think that my sister had a lot of hassles with Heating plus A/C too, with the wine making process you want to keep the product at a perfect 71 degree temperature. With our northern temperature, that means you need both heating plus cooling, so a hardcore heating proposal is needed for the winters taht get in the negative 20s, but the summer time does get into the 71s as well. My sister thought she could cheap out on the Heating plus A/C, but she bought a basic heating plus cooling component off the net plus then hired a handyman to install it. The girl installed the Heating plus A/C right by the front doorstep to save on work plus wiring. It looked terrible plus it ran even worse. The inside temp could barely make 71 degrees plus the Heating plus A/C died after only a few years of use. The next time around my sister did it right. She called a real Heating plus A/C business, bought one of the products plus had a heat pump installed in her facility. The Heating plus A/C works superbly plus hasn’t been a problem since. It keeps the whole space the right temp year around.