Our anniversary has changed quite a bit

Today is my eight year anniversary with my husband.

Every year we go to a movie and get a stub with the date on it. I have a sub for every year we have been together. From our first date until now I have the ticket stub. Pretty cute right? It is interesting how much we have changed over the years and how the date has evolved. I remember the first date we went to an expensive restaurant and my now husband picked the movie. Dinner was expensive and I didn’t finish my meal. The movie my husband picked was horrible and the theater’s heating system was broken. We ended up freezing the whole time. Eight years later we have our priorities straight. Rather than pay for a dinner that will stink, I cook a nice meal at home. We can eat in comfy clothes and have the HVAC set the way we want to. The two of us then go to the movies and see what was reviewed best. Unfortunately this time of year means only horrible movies are out. We just missed the before Thanksgiving release of good films. So we decided that seeing something horrible, might as well be comfortable. The two of us wear sweatpants and coats so the theater AC doesn’t freeze us. We get lots of snacks and talk during the film. It makes for a fun evening out. We usually grab a drink after the film before we head home. A little night cap to make it fun.


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