We didn’t think our mother would be able to run a full marathon

She eventually reached the 26 mile mark on the treadmill and we were all so happy for her

It wasn’t too long ago when our mother started talking about running a marathon. We were all shocked because we realized that a marathon is 26 miles, and that is difficult for just about anybody. Our mother was kind of out of shape too and this seemed like it was going to be a real challenge for her. To be honest, none of us believed that she would be able to run a marathon successfully. We figured she might make it to maybe 3 miles or so and then call it quits. Well, she was absolutely determined and she invested in some gym equipment for the basement. She got a quality treadmill that had an interface that made you feel like you were running in different locations, including the mountains if you wanted. She also decided to get a hold of the HVAC company to upgrade the HVAC equipment for her marathon training. Before we knew it, we had HVAC zone control installed in our home and the basement had its own thermostat. She would regularly go down there to work out and run for hours with the A/C system cranked up. When we saw how long she was running on that treadmill, it inspired all of us to exercise more. She lost a lot of weight and her endurance increased a great deal. She eventually reached the 26 mile mark on the treadmill and we were all so happy for her. She knew she was ready for the real thing and when she went, it was a very hot day. This is why I bought her a hat with a built in cooling system to help her stay cool while she ran. This helped her out a lot and she ran the whole marathon!


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