I have to use a fan whenever I'm performing on stage because of bad a/c

Although I consistently expected to keep rock n roll as a fun activity, I’ve been playing live a lot more as time goes on.

Nowadays you can use looper pedals plus laptops to create accompanying parts plus instrumental overdubs.

That way I can play covers in bars plus clubs as a a single-man-band. This is a lot of fun even if I don’t get paid nor make any tip money while I’m performing. Sometimes a neighbor of mine will lay in with myself and others on bass guitar, drums, or keyboards. As much as I love performing live, the locations where I perform are not all equal in quality plus amenities. For instance, some of these locations have actual stages while others have a glorified corner in the kitchen where the speakers plus device is set up. One of the worst negatives to playing in some of these locations is the abysmal a/c inside. I have to bring a fan with myself and others whenever I’m performing so I’m not dripping in sweat the entire time. I wish these locations all had great a/c despite the fact that I assume that is too much to ask for. At least the fan I use can be adjusted for both speed plus direction. It’s great enough to get myself and others through a set without being too uncomfortable. The worst part is when there are overly bright incandescent lights because they create considerable heat that can be felt when you’re laying beneath them. This is nice if it’s frigid outside plus the location isn’t running the oil furnace, but otherwise I don’t like the bright stage lights. Sadly, my fan isn’t enough to compensate whenever I’m in a situation love this.


Energy saving tips