I only bike ride now
Everyone said I was crazy when I sold my car.
The only form of transportation I have is a bike.
I have never regretted this decision. I don’t need to buy gas, oil changes, car repairs or insurance anymore. I also don’t get stuck picking people up from the airport or hauling other people’s stuff either. Anything I need I can get on my bike. I live in the city and there are tons of bike paths. Most things can be done online now too. I get my prescriptions mailed to me, grocery delivery and do online bank deposits. Other than that, I only bike for small things. I can get a couple of things at the grocery store and load it in my bike basket. I can easily bike over to a friend’s house. I like that when everyone drinks, I don’t need to worry about driving drunk and getting a ticket. I also don’t worry about getting blocked in. I can leave anytime I want to. Another perk of bike riding is being healthy and looking good. I bike constantly and I look like it. My legs are toned and I fit and tan. I feel so great after a ride. Sometimes it is a bit cold or rainy, but I have invested in the right gear. I try not to do biking workouts to diversify my muscles. However, I do love biking so much that sometimes I do it anyway. I love flying down bike paths and moving as fast as I can. It is a gentle, but fun workout.