There was creature hair all over the sofa.
I was finally getting to where I didn’t mind the animal in our house.
My girlfriend was satisfied with the progress Fluff Fluff plus I were making, plus I was enjoying having our girlfriend at the house. When Spring came, I started to not be satisfied with the animal again. I would walk into the home plus see animal hair everywhere. She was shedding, plus there was a lot. The cat’s hair was all over the sofa, on the carpeting, plus on our chair. I called the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C supplier plus saw if I could buy special air filters that were made just for creature users. The Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C tech asked if I had also considered having an air purification unit installed in the house. Not only would it wash the air, however it would also help to trap the creature hair that was in the house. The media air cleaner would help to wash all the dirt, debris, plus flu symptom, causing debris from the air. They told me it would, along with the creature air filters. I told them I wanted the media air cleaner installed as soon as possible. The next day, they showed up plus installed the media air cleaner into our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. I had a special air filter that is made for pet owners, plus a HEPA air filter in the media air cleaner. I was thrilled to think our home was going to be cleaner plus healthier. Unfortunately, there was still animal hair everywhere, however it was 90% better than it was before the media air cleaner.