People just don’t get it occasionally
Dealing with rooftop Heating & A/C systems is a nightmare! If I was an independent heating plus air conditioner company I would possibly not even take rooftop Heating & A/C system repair calls plus state it up front
When I try to explain to people about what I do for a living, they occasionally just do not get how hard of a task it could be occasionally. I am a certified heating plus air conditioner specialist. And in being a certified heating plus air conditioner specialist, it requires some really long afternoons depending on the kind of Heating & A/C work that comes our way. Now for instance, if I have a day where all I have to do is instal central heating plus a/cs, although it is hard work, I have it down to a math plus it is almost the same process for every single modern home on the market this week. But when I have a lot of heating plus a/c repair tasks to do in a day, those are where it gets tricky plus hard occasionally. I could be at a single home repairing a central heating plus a/c that could be an self-explanatory fix. Then the next hour I could be at some commercial building that has a rooftop Heating & A/C system that is in real bad shape. Dealing with rooftop Heating & A/C systems is a nightmare! If I was an independent heating plus air conditioner company I would possibly not even take rooftop Heating & A/C system repair calls plus state it up front. But the Heating & A/C supplier I work for takes it, so I have to fix them, but when I explain this to people they kind of look at me confused or just simply don’t even suppose what I mean. But regardless, this is our career!