My father and I only have one thing in common; stargazing
I guess for the most part, my father and I never had too much in common.
- But there was one thing that we shared that I always looked forward to over the years; stargazing.
He had this really fancy telescope and we were able to see the planets and stars so well. We were even able to see the rings of Saturn and all the moons as well. Over the years, he would collect new telescopes and we always couldn’t wait to use them. Sometimes when we would go stargazing, it would be very warm, sometimes over 100 degrees at night. During those times, we always had to keep a portable cooling system with us. Then sometimes in the winter, it would be too cold, so those times we had a portable heater system. Eventually, I ended up buying my father a portable HVAC that had both heating and cooling functions, and he has been using that ever since, especially when he goes stargazing. We don’t always get to go together, but we still go to this day. I will usually call up my father or he’ll call me up. I always make sure to ask him if he’s bringing the portable HVAC. I ask him every time because there was one time when he forgot and we were extremely uncomfortable that day. We felt so overheated that we had to cut our stargazing short which was a real bummer. I don’t like having to cut our quality time short, especially since he’s a lot older now and I really worry about his health.