Trying to embrace digital marketing for our air quality systems

As a veteran who started off as an air conditioning repairman before graduating to a regional retailer of quality Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment, he recommended myself and others to first understand the concept of air conditioning set up because 1 afternoon, someone will ask for more complex equipment such as geothermal heat pump and I wouldnt have a clue what their use is or how they operate

I suppose in advancing and changing with the times as current technology takes over. However, I also enjoy to keep some traditional habits that I find are value adding compared to virtual communication. As much as I enjoy the next best technological appliance that comes into the market, I hardly keep up with several swings. In an attempt to improve our online presence, I decided to hire a tech savvy junior to set up a drop shipping account for our air quality systems. At first I wasn’t sure which equipment to start with so I basically experimented with fireplace equipment, gas fireplace parts, geothermal heat pump parts and smaller tools for furnace service, heat pump service and air conditioning service! Nothing worked better than the ductless heat pump, so I consulted an air conditioning provider before going further to advocate myself and others on the best approach to take. As a veteran who started off as an air conditioning repairman before graduating to a regional retailer of quality Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment, he recommended myself and others to first understand the concept of air conditioning set up because 1 afternoon, someone will ask for more complex equipment such as geothermal heat pump and I wouldnt have a clue what their use is or how they operate. The cooling industry and the heating industry also have strange needs and with the ever changing weather, I should also learn to advocate our purchasers on energy saving tips as a value addition marketing approach. AArmed with current information, I set off to give our current venture a fresh approach, of course with the hp of our internet guru.


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