My nieces and nephew made me feel old when they made fun of my thermostat

It wasn’t all that long ago when I made the choice to take my nieces & nephew to a museum.

I was legitimately pleased when we got to the locale because the temperature control settings were wonderful.

I enjoy a building that has an unbelievable Heating & Air Conditioning appliance. So we went all over the museum & saw a ton of cool exhibits, however the children legitimately adored the math area as there were a lot of thrilling things the kids could do & interactive games. It was particularly an educational experience. Then we managed to arrive at this section where they showed the evolution of Heating & Air Conditioning appliances. They actually had a dial temperature control on display that looked eerily similar to the one I had at home. My nephew pointed & said, “Look, they have Uncle Randy’s temperature control on display!” They laughed & said my temperature control must have been entirely ancient. I gotta tell you, that legitimately made me feel completely old. Back when I was younger, everybody had that kind of dial temperature control & I didn’t see anything wrong with it in the slightest. I felt that as long as the temperature control did its job, there was nothing to whine about. My nephew started bragging about the smart temperature control that their father purchased recently & had installed in the dwelling. He said even before the smart temperature control, they had a costly programmable temperature control. I just said that the type of temperature control didn’t necessarily matter so long as it worked as it was supposed to. Then my nephew begged to differ & said the smart temperature control was saving them a large amount of currency on the utility bills. I never actually looked into smart temperature controls, however if they save you a bunch of currency, then maybe I should install one of those.


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