A close call

I remember back when I used to work as a heating plus air conditioner specialist I had some pretty dangerous tasks a few times, but working a lot in commercial heating plus air conditioner service it was a bit unusual than your average heating plus air conditioner worker, then one time I had a absolutely close call while laboring in a church trying to service their commercial heating plus air conditioner system.

I was way up on a scaffold because it was a cathedral type church, plus the air vents were all the way up there.

After the service of the commercial heating plus air conditioner system I had to make some up-to-date adjustments to the air vents which were not directed respectfully in the church. Well, to make a long story short the scaffold had a little issue plus it came absolutely close to me falling almost 50 feet to our death to the hard tile flooring of the church! Lucky for me I had a safety restraint on, so when it all went wrong I was protected by that plus was able to sort of scale our way down the wall back to the ground safely. But that was an harshly close call! And this was also what ended up leading to me leaving the heating plus air conditioner company I was laboring for. I ended up going to work for a heating plus air conditioner company that only dealt in residential heating plus air conditioner upgrade plus repair. With that it was safe plus there would never be any dangers.


central heater